Balkan Ballerinas
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Balkan Ballerinas is a performance that aims to question the boundaries of the body by relating to Eastern European and Balkan identity. Inspired by stigmas and identity stereotypes created by the West and projected onto the Balkans, the performance conducts an analysis of Balkan culture. The body is portrayed as a transition zone, between two instances - pride and shame, past and present, folklore and rave, ballet and manele. Starting from the concepts of Balkanism and post-communism, the performance investigates a reactive body that challenges prejudices, normative models, and geographical, political, and cultural boundaries.
Where: Toplocentrala - Hall 2
When: 04.09.2024 19:00
Choreography: Anca Stoica & Sergiu Diță
Performers: Sergiu Diță, Sofia Sitaru-Onofrei, Andreea Vălean
Sound Design: RAW Creatives
Music: Daniel Stănciucu, Adrian Piciorea, David Luncă
Lighting Design: Dorian Bolca
Anthropological Studies: Laura Maria Ilie
Production: Platforma 13
About organizer
View morePlatforma 13 is an artistic collective initiated by choreographers Anca Stoica and Sergiu Diță, focused on overturning norms and conventions in the performing arts. Their research stems from collaborative and transdisciplinary practices and primarily addresses a young audience. Platform 13 is an independent initiative dedicated to experimentation and the current needs for artistic expression. The concept of the platform proposes openness and dialogue with an audience seeking diversity. Their collaborations, partnerships, and projects aim to increase the visibility of contemporary dance and penetrate areas where access to culture is limited. They are interested in researching subcultures and work processes that actively contribute to cultural diversity. Platform 13 has conducted street interventions and outdoor contemporary dance workshops, as well as interventions in festivals or projects that promote alternative forms of artistic expression, contributing to the visibility of contemporary dance in hybrid formats.